WuMa Horse Art

All about horse art!

Artist Introduction

About WuMa

Wu Ma is a famous Chinese artist, who dedicates to horse arts. He start horse-themed drawing and painting at age of ten. He received art education in the Central Academy of Fine Arts and XuBeiHong Art Studio of “Beihong China Arts”, which both are the top level art education platforms in China.

“Autumn Winds…”

Wu Ma’s artworks are widely appreciated and collected by many organizations, individuals collectors, and horse owners.

“WuMa Eight Horses”

An award-winning video about WuMa and Horse Art.

Representative Artworks:

Chinese Ink Painting

“WuMa Sixteen Horses”

“Scent of the Incense”

Form Chinese Traditional Ink Painting
Title “Scent of the Incense”
Size Diameter: 26 cm
Year of Creation 2017
Description in Chinese 中国画《问⾹ 》 直径26cm 2017年

More Chinese Ink Painting


Oil Painting

About WuMa Art Museum

Wu Ma is not only an artist, but also an educator of horse culture and horse art. He dedicates to promote horse culture and horse art education. He owns a “WuMa Art Museum”, which has three branches in China, where teaching activities on horse arts are organized. Besides, Wu Ma is an equestrian judge in China.

For regular updates of WuMa’s artworks and activities, please follow the social media platforms by clicking the icons in contact session, or searching for @wumahorseart.

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